Art Comments

On these pages I plan to talk about my current concern within three areas :-

  1. my own practical art
  2. my current work and research in art history and art curatotial matters
  3. comment on art ehibitions and related material

Other matters may of course creep in !!

For Art Appreciation and more general matters please click on to my companion site.



My basis is awareness over decades of images, forms and colours of places I?ve lived and worked – hills (Pennines, Dales, South Cotswolds, Black Mountains, Brecon Beacons) both in their large expanses and in the minute details (dry-stone walls, stony streams) & industrial archaeology (derelict mills, nineteenth century machines).

My ?finished? works start from a mark (a line, a spot or area of colour) – with no pre-conceived end product.? The work develops in relation to the tensions that arise as further marks are introduced – a concern with balance, harmony, intervals, spaces, tones, etc. Rather like music – which is very important whilst I?m working.

The influences on my working include – the practice and theory of early twentieth century artists such as Klee, Kandinsky and Mondrian – later British artists such as Ben Nicholson, Victor Pasmore, and Bridget Riley – British painters and draughtsmen of around 1800 such as Hearne, Girtin and Cotman – late medieval manuscripts and stained glass.

I encourage my ?viewers? to take a leisurely walk around my work – discovering new vistas or details meaningful to them and their experience as well as offering new experiences.



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